حصل الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور علي احمد نجيب العوادي التدريسي في كلية التربية شعبة الانشطة الطلابية جامعة القادسية. على دعوة من الجمعية العالمية للتعاون الاكاديمي والصناعي ومقرها طوكيا اليابان بتسميته عضوا فعالا فيها وتسميته عضو لجنة دولية في مؤتمرها العلمي بعنوان التعليم والتعلم في جامعة واسيدا اليابانية وسبق للدكتور علي العوادي أن شارك بمؤتمر اليابان العالمي الذي اقامه مركز توشي في طوكيوا في الشهر الثامن من العالم 2017 وحصل بحثه على الترتيب العشرين من اصل 700 بحث واليكم نص الدعوة
Invitation Letter

2018 International Conference on Education and Learning (ICEL)

August 22-24, 2018 at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
GAICS-ICEL Waseda Tokyo

Dear Dr. Ali Ahmed Alawady, November 11, 2017

We are so honor to have your participation in one of the 2017 Tokyo International joint Conferences which is the 2017 international conference on Education and Learning (ICEL 2017). The 2017 Tokyo International joint Conferences had around 200 delegates from 43 countries participated in this event. During the three-day conference, 23 participants coming from 20 countries had gathered together and initiated an organization named Global Academic-Industrial Cooperation Society (GAICS). GAICS is an organizer of hosting international joint conferences emphasizing interdisciplinary communication and a promoter of linking academic research and industrial practice. GAICS aims to provide a platform for academics and industries to exchange ideas, findings and the latest research results, and encourages young Ph.D. students to engage in international academic events and build their links in academics and industries they may need in the future. We believe participants can share their viewpoints from different perspectives and expose to the cross-domain communicating and learning atmosphere through the interdisciplinary GAICS joint conferences.

Accordingly, as recommended by the executive committee, we sincerely invite you to serve as an international committee member for GAICS because of your enthusiastic participation and support which had enriched 2017 Tokyo International Conference and made it more successful. Meanwhile, based on the ICEL 2017, we are going to have the ICEL 2018 to be held at Waseada University, Tokyo, Japan during 22-24 August 2018. When serving as an international committee member for GAICS, you will be also listed in the Steering Committee Member of ICEL 2018. To thank you for supporting and serving as an international committee member for GAICS, the conference ICEL 2018 will offer you a US$200 grant when you check in on site of ICEL 2018 Wasesda Tokyo. By realizing that scholars typically have tight schedules and many obligations to their institutions and academic communities,
مبارك لدكتور علي هذا الانجاز العلمي المميز ومبارك لشعبة الانشطة الطلابية ولكلية التربية المعطاء وجامعة القادسية الغراء والى المزيد من التألق والعطاء خدمة لعراقنا الأبي عراق العلماء


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