Cartographic representation of cereal crops in Al-Diwaniyah district using GIS

  • أ.م. د. خالد مرزوك رسن .
  • احمد فاضل كزار .


Maps of grain crops are objective maps that are of great importance in clarifying those crops and indicating their area, The importance and accuracy of these maps have increased through the developments in the scientific techniques of drawing them, which finally reached the discovery of geographic information systems. Which can be considered as a basic means in drawing maps, and in order for the user of these systems to be able to produce a geographical map with a correct cartographic basis, he must be familiar with the basic cartographic rules for drawing it, such as the size of the drawing scale and its impact on showing the area of the area it represents, the colors, how to use it and its implications for the geographical phenomena that symbolize it and the size of the font, its meaning and others, The study included a cartographic representation of the areas planted with winter and summer grain crops in Al-Diwaniyah district for the year 2020, and in a variety of ways, to know the best way to show the disparity in the areas of these crops between the administrative units of the study area, Geographical information systems (GIS) have been relied upon in preparing these maps. The study concluded that GIS has a great potential in preparing a geographical database, through which it is possible to draw a variety of maps, including those for cereal crops, with high technical accuracy, little effort, low cost and the fastest time. The study also showed that the areas planted with grain crops in the study area vary between its administrative units.          


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How to Cite
.أ. د. خ. م. ر., & .ا. ف. ك. (2023). Cartographic representation of cereal crops in Al-Diwaniyah district using GIS. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(4), 22-34. Retrieved from