Efficiency of health development services in the presence of Warka District Center for the year 2021

  • م . د حنان عبد الرضا طاهر .


Health services are of great importance to the quality of life of the population because of their close association with human needs, as the health development of the population is one of the priorities that must be given appropriate attention to achieve the health well-being of the population, which leads to improving a decent standard of living for them, and the health aspect is an important and clear indicator of the civilization of a nation or a community of societies. Hence the importance of research in revealing the reality of health services in the study area and analyzing their efficiency. Therefore, the research showed that these services suffer from a clear deficit in the levels of their relative performance in quantity and quality, as they lack the presence of a hospital as well as the presence of one health center that does not provide its health services optimally to the urban population as the center of the district of Warka is one of the important districts of Muthanna Governorate and has its regional role as it is a population attraction, especially from neighboring rural areas, which requires upgrading the health level by providing the main health institutions and providing their requirements and human cadres according to planning standards to be able to provide them With the quality and efficiency of the population.


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How to Cite
.م. . د. ح. ع. ا. ط. (2023). Efficiency of health development services in the presence of Warka District Center for the year 2021. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(4), 301-314. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/617