On Semi Feebly Open Set and its Properties

On Semi Feebly Open Set and its Properties

  • Raad Aziz Hussan Al-Abdulla
  • . Othman Rhaif Madlooi Al-Chrani
Keywords: sf-open, sf-closed , sf-closure, sf-interior.


In this research, we presented a new Style of sets named semi-feebly open sets that were studied and identified some of its properties and found relationships with other sets where we obtained some results that show the relationship between sets through theories that were obtained using the set from Style ( -open).


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How to Cite
Raad Aziz Hussan Al-Abdulla, & . Othman Rhaif Madlooi Al-Chrani. (2020). On Semi Feebly Open Set and its Properties. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 25(3), math 35-45. https://doi.org/10.29350/qjps.2020.25.3.1096