Modified Hermite Operational Matrix Method for Nonlinear Lane-Emden Problem

  • bushra Eesa University of Technology- Department of Applied Sciences
Keywords: Collocation ,method, Nonlinear, Lane-Emden, equation , modified ,Hermite ,function, integration, operational ,matrix, initial, value, problem


Nonlinear Lane –Emden equations are significant in astrophysics and mathematical physics. The aim of this paper is submitted a new approximate method for finding solution to nonlinear Lane-Emden type equations appearing in astrophysics based on modified Hermite integration operational matrix. The suggest technique is based on taking the truncated modified Hermite series of the solution function in the nonlinear Lane-Emden equation and then changed into a matrix equation with the given conditions. Nonlinear system of algebraic equation using collection points is obtained. The present method is applied on some relevant physical problems as nonlinear Lane-Emden type equations.


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How to Cite
Eesa, bushra. (2020). Modified Hermite Operational Matrix Method for Nonlinear Lane-Emden Problem. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 25(3), math 71-79.