AMS subject classification:30C45 Meromorphically p-valent functions defined by integral operator involving ȴ-Function in new subclasses

integral operator, coefficient inequality ȴ_p^(α,β), Partial sums, radii of starlikeness and radii convexity.

  • Ahmed Khalaf Radhi
  • Thamer Khalil Al-Khafaji
Keywords: integral operator, coefficient inequality ȴ_p^(α,β), Partial sums, radii of starlikeness and radii convexity.


Some relations in this paper we using  in  new subclass of meromorphically p-valent functions TK( ) defined by integral operator involving  -function  We derived some properties, like, coefficient inequality  , growth and distortion bounds by theorems (2) and (3), Partial sums, convex set, radii of starlikeness and radii  convexity.


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How to Cite
Ahmed Khalaf Radhi, & Thamer Khalil Al-Khafaji. (2020). AMS subject classification:30C45 Meromorphically p-valent functions defined by integral operator involving ȴ-Function in new subclasses. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 25(3), Math 97-.