strongly N-extending Strongly N-extending modules

strongly N-continuous , strongly N-qausi- continuous

  • Darya jabar ministry of education
  • Saad Abdulkadhim Al-Saad
Keywords: strongly N-continuous , strongly N-qausi- continuous


Relative extending modules and relative (quasi-)continuous modules were introduced and studied by Oshiro as a generalizations of extending modules and (quasi-) continuous respectively.  On other hand, Oshiro, Rizvi and Permouth introduced N-extending and N-(quasi-) continuous modules depending              where N and M are modules.  is closed under submodules, essential extension and isomorphic image. A module M is N-extending if for each submodule A , there is a direct summand B of M such that A is essential in B. Moreover, a module M is strongly extending if every submodule is essential in a stable (equivalently, fully invariant) direct summand of M.

In this paper, we introduce and study classes of modules which are proper stronger than that of N-extending modules and N-(quasi-)continuous modules. Many characterizations and properties of these classes are given.


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How to Cite
jabar, D., & Saad Abdulkadhim Al-Saad. (2021). strongly N-extending Strongly N-extending modules. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 26(4), 293–301.
Special Issue (Silver Jubilee)