Syntthesiis and charactteriizattiion off new macrocyclliic compound ffrom 4-- amiino anttiipyriine

  • Hashiim M.. Sheerali Dep.. Off Chemiisttry,, Collllege off Educattiion ffor Women,, Uniiversiitty off Kuffa,, Najjaff --Iraq
  • Hasan T.. Ghanim Dep.. Off Chemiisttry,, Collllege off Educattiion ffor Women,, Uniiversiitty off Kuffa,, Najjaff --Iraq
Keywords: synthesis, macrocyclic compounds, 4-amino antipyrine.


The target of this work involves synthesis of different new macrocyclic derivatives utilizing two different strategies. The first one involved prepare new azo derivative for (4- amino antipyrine), Through reaction between (4-amino antipyrine) with antipyrine in suitable solvent to form (A1), while the second step involved reaction prepared azo compound with several compounds such as ( urea , thiourea , quanidine , o- phenylene diamine) to form ( A2, A3, A4, A5 ) compounds.


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How to Cite
Sheerali, H. M., & Ghanim, H. T. (2017). Syntthesiis and charactteriizattiion off new macrocyclliic compound ffrom 4-- amiino anttiipyriine. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 19(2), 104-115. Retrieved from