The Solution of Diffusion And Exothermic Zero Equation By Using Newton – Kantorovich Method

  • Eman Ali Hussan AL-Mustansiriyah university/College of science
  • Muntaha K. Abbas Foundation Technical Education/Technical College Management
Keywords: Newton- Kantorovich method, , solution of nonlinear equation , two-point boundary value problems, central – difference method


This paper aims to a solution of a diffusion and exothermic equation by using Newton- Kantorovich method . The Newton- Kantorovich method is used to convert the nonlinear boundary value problem into linear boundary value problem , and then using numerical method to solve the linear boundary value problem .
The numerical method is a suitable based on a finite – difference method ( the central-difference ) scheme was considered here in since it gave a good results and thus obtaining small errors . The central- difference method is preferable over backward or forward difference scheme. Finally ,some numerical examples show that in this paper the results of proposed methods have a good agreement compared with that of exact solution . The use of finite- difference method produced a system of linear algebraic equations which are solved by using the Matlab computer software .


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How to Cite
Hussan, E. A., & Abbas, M. K. (2017). The Solution of Diffusion And Exothermic Zero Equation By Using Newton – Kantorovich Method. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 19(2), 173-185. Retrieved from