using Nd Isotopes 156-148 symmetry shapes for Transitions Studying ofinteracting boson model

  • Heiyam Najy Hady Physics Dep. / Education for girl Faculty /Kufa
  • Sami Eedan Abd Physics Dep. / Education for girl Faculty /Kufa University*


The symmetry states structure of even -even 148-156Nd isotopes has been studied using the interacting boson model (IBM-1) .The energy levels , the electromagnetic transitions probability B(E2) and potential energy surfaces are analyzed which reveal the detailed nature of nuclei.
In this chain 148Nd nucleus have a transition characteristic between vibrational limit SU(5)& γ- unstable limits O(6) .
Different behavior shown by 150 Nd nuclei where the quadrupole – quadrupole interactions between bosons and the pairing forces were dominated while the studied structure band of nuclei 152-156Nd looks as distorted nuclei.
The predicted theoretical calculations were compared with the experimental data in respective figures and tables ,it was seen that the predicted results are in a good agreement with the experimental data.
In the framework of IBM calculations (46) new energy levels were determined for even -even 148-156Nd isotopes .This investigation increases the theoretical Knowledge of all isotopes with respect to energy levels ,reduced transition probabilities and potential energy surfaces.


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How to Cite
Hady, H. N., & Abd, S. E. (2017). using Nd Isotopes 156-148 symmetry shapes for Transitions Studying ofinteracting boson model. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 18(4), 90-105. Retrieved from