Temperature Effect on the Effective Secondary Emission Coefficient for He and Ne Gases

  • Salman Hamza Hussein, et.al
Keywords: Temperature, effective secondary emission coefficient, discharge


The relation between the effective secondary emission coefficient (ESEC) ï§ and
temperature has been studied for He and Ne atoms. So we are studied the variation of ï§ with
reduced electric field to the gas pressure E p between electrodes at different temperature (T )
for each gas. It has been found that the ESEC increase with ( E p ) at constant (T ) and
decreases with temperature at constant ( E ).


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How to Cite
Hamza Hussein, et.al, S. (2018). Temperature Effect on the Effective Secondary Emission Coefficient for He and Ne Gases. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 21(1), 77 - 89. Retrieved from https://journalsc.qu.edu.iq/index.php/JOPS/article/view/27