Seasonal Variations of Some Heavy Elements in the in the Fishes Muscles Khushani Liza abu Heckel and common carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus and Shilluk Aspius vorax Heckeland in Euphrates River / Iraq

  • M. M. Saleh Saleh Dept Biology , College Science , University of Babylon
Keywords: Heavy Elements , Fishes , Euphrates River , Length and Weight .


This search included study of some Heavy Elements concentration (Cd , Fe , Mn , Pb and Zn) in three fish species muscles (Khushani Liza abu Heckel and common carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus and Shilluk Aspius vorax Heckeland) collected from Euphrates river in the located Zone between Hindia and Kifil for the period from October 2009 to September 2010 and these fishes were divided into three different categories of weight .
The results showed seasonal variation in concentrations of study trace elements , as was high in Spring and Summer, compared with Autumn and Winter seasons . The concentrations of trace elements in fish Khushani and common carp has taken the following regulations: Zn <Fe <Mn <Pb <Cd while the Shilluk as follows Zn <Fe <Pb <Mn <Cd . also found that concentrations of trace elements studied in fish of the Shilluk Asbius vorax be high compared to fish carp and Khushani and due to the difference in the pattern of Nutrition (Predation) .
The length category had direct relationship with the increase of elements concentration in the fishes muscles , as increase with length increase and weight in the all of study species . The results showed the study specie , pattern of Nutrition , age and weight have a direct role in the Heavy elements accumulation in the study fishes muscles .


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How to Cite
Saleh, M. M. S. (2017). Seasonal Variations of Some Heavy Elements in the in the Fishes Muscles Khushani Liza abu Heckel and common carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus and Shilluk Aspius vorax Heckeland in Euphrates River / Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 18(1), 9-21. Retrieved from