Effects of potential minutes Nano – silver on the growth of algae stigonemia sp. and some of their properties Physiological

  • Zainab zuhiar Abd Asada AL-Fatlawi Collage of Education – Department of Biology
  • Raid Kazim Abd AL-Asadi Collage of Education – Department of Biology
Keywords: Green algae, Nano-silver, pH, Heavy metals


    The present study aimed to investigate the potential effects of three concentrations of   nano - silver solution (0.005, 0.05, 0.5) ppm on the moss Stigonema sp. . Which is due to its development under favorable conditions of 2 ± 25 ° C and 37.60 μm / min 2 / tha, the best growth of Stigonema sp. (0.5) ppm of nano-silver per day (17 th and 18 th) of the development of moss, while the best growth of mulberry treated with nano-silver concentrations was found when developing in the wastewater at the concentration of (0.005) ppm (XXI, XXII and XXIII) of the development of the moss. It was also observed that nanoparticles had a silver effect on the chemical properties of dissolved pH and oxygen, and increased concentration of chlorophyll dye at concentrations (0.05, 0.5) ppm, As well as increase the effectiveness of removal of algae and include nutrients (nitrite, nitrates, phosphates), and heavy elements of the elements (cadmium, lead ) .  


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How to Cite
zuhiar Abd Asada AL-Fatlawi, Z., & Kazim Abd AL-Asadi, R. (2018). Effects of potential minutes Nano – silver on the growth of algae stigonemia sp. and some of their properties Physiological. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 22(3), 309 - 318. Retrieved from https://journalsc.qu.edu.iq/index.php/JOPS/article/view/610