Evaluation of the efficiency of some organic solvent extract of Leaves and Flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium against the immature stages of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera:Culicidae)

  • Ruqia O.Kreem University of Al-Qadisiya -College of Science
  • Mohammed R. Annon University of Al-Qadisiya -College of Science
Keywords: Cx, quinquefasciatus, , plant extracts, organic solvents, C, cinerariaefolium


The current research included the biological impact of some organic solvent extracts of Leaves and flowers of  C.  cinerariaefolium on the unaccumulated mortality of immature stages of mosquito  Cx. quinquefasciatus . the results showed that the hexane extracts each  of the Leaves and flowers had a higher impact on the mortality of an  immature stages followed  by ethyl acetate and  ethyl alcohol extract respectively. eggs mortality precentages were recorded (36.57 -46.65 )% at 40 mg/ml of  Leaves and flowers extracts respectively . First Larval instar showed a high sensitive than other proceeding instars . The high mortality rate recorded  in hexane flowers extract of 40mg /ml (78.72 )% .in addition the hexane extracts of Leaves and flowers of C.  cinerariaefolium showed a superior activity on pupal mortality rate than other ethyl acetate and ethel alcohol,and the mortality revceatay was reached ( 70.10 )%. The results also showed a direct correlation between the increase in concentration and mortality rates in all extracts and on different life stages .


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How to Cite
O.Kreem, R., & R. Annon, M. (2018). Evaluation of the efficiency of some organic solvent extract of Leaves and Flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium against the immature stages of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera:Culicidae). Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 22(3), 319 - 329. Retrieved from https://journalsc.qu.edu.iq/index.php/JOPS/article/view/611