Isolating and Diagnosing The Toxin –Produsing Fungus in Samples of fodder seeds and the possibility of controlling them using some of the chemical and Vital Treatment and reduse their toxicity

  • Abdul-Amir S.Saadon College of Science /University of Al-Qadisiyah
  • Nada Ahmed Fairooz College of Science /University of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: ochratoxin A, PCR Technology, fungus A.niger


 The study has included isolation and diagnosis the fungus that accompanying the fodder and choosing the isolates of the fungus A.niger and examining the influence of the chemical and Vital treatments against the mentioned  fungus , The labatory  results have proved the effectiveness of the floramil in the average of inhibition of the radiative  growth for the fungus that is examined in the (PDA) with percentage of inhibition 100%  at  the  two concentrates(2,3) gm/L , whereas it reached the  highest percentages of inhibition for the fungus in the treatment of the calcium carbonate at concentration of 30mg/ml 55.55% when the radius of the fungus in the control treatment 90mm.    While for the storing experiment the results have shown that in all the treatments that are used it was efficient in protecting fodder from injury of fungus infection A.niger, after 30 dayes from storage where it reached zero in matter of fodder treatment (wheat ,yellow corn contaminated with fungus A.niger ) and coverd with bio formulation floramil 4gm / kg seeds and the intervene treatment of the floramil 2gm / kg seeds and calcium carbonate 15 gm/kg and on the other hand the results have shown counting the numbers of bacteria P.flurescens on the surfaces of seeds and vitality high after 30 days of storage in the treatment of seeds that coverd with floramil 4 gm /kg seeds and the treatment of interference for seeds coverd with floramil 2gm / kg seeds and calcium carbonate 15gm /kg seeds concentration and contaminated with fungus A.niger  1,716×1010and 1,346 ×1010acolony formation alone/gm seeds successively. 


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How to Cite
S.Saadon, A.-A., & Ahmed Fairooz, N. (2018). Isolating and Diagnosing The Toxin –Produsing Fungus in Samples of fodder seeds and the possibility of controlling them using some of the chemical and Vital Treatment and reduse their toxicity. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 22(3), 680 - 691. Retrieved from