Study of Several Important Immune Markers in Hepatitis B patients

  • Ehsan F. Hussein University of Sumer/College of Basic Education; Iraq


         Hepatitis B patients have been collected from Marjan Teaching Hospital in Babylon Province through the period from May/2017 to September/2017. Were for study of several immune markers in serum isolated from these patients. The immune markers were involved of the antibody types as well as Rheumatoid factor and C-Reactive protein. The antibodies were involved IgA, IgM and IgG. The results were showed significant elevation in concentration of the IgG antibody and also elevation in concentrations of the IgM and IgA antibodies but no significant when comparison of these antibodies with apparently healthy persons antibodies concentrations. Also this study was explained increases in presence percentages of both the Rheumatoid factor and C-Reactive protein in serum of these patients in comparison with same apparently healthy persons that have no presence percentages for both Rheumatoid factor and C-Reactive protein.


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How to Cite
F. Hussein, E. (2018). Study of Several Important Immune Markers in Hepatitis B patients. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 23(1), 1- 16.