Styding The Effects of Cinnamomum camphora crude aquous alcoholic Extracts In Bacteria Isolated From tract Infections

  • Saba A .AL-Madane


This study was carried to evaluate  antibacterial  activity of  ,Alcholic (hot) and  Aqueaus (water)  extracts  of Cinnamomum camphora, against  growth of  some  bacteria isolated  from infectins (streptococcus pneumoniae streptococcus pyogenes and klebsiella             pneumonia),  tract from Haqum Hospital in Najaf from December April 2015(133) tract sample were collected from patients that show symptoms and signs of tract infecation .the results were as following (92) samples were positive rated( 69.17% )while the negativesamples were (41) and rated (30.83%) Streptococcus pyogense,Streptococcus pneumoneae ,Klebsiella pneumon has been found at arate of(2.17 %,  %17.3 , 46.7 % )  Result  showed variation in antibacterial activity of different extracts againts   all tested bacteria by well diffusion technique in agar and measuring had the greatest  inhibition  zone,at concentration (200) Mg/ml for their clinical importance as common ,pathogense in racta infectionthe result of study showed that effect on the  bacterial species. The higher  inhibition rate of Streptococcuspneumoniae is(20)mm at the  concentration  (200) Mg/ml  while the lower  inhibition rate was (8)mm for Streptococcus concentration(100)mg/ml in ethanolic and hot water extraction the preliminary test of  Cinnamomum camphora  consttituents revealed  presence  of  active  material like. ( alkaloids,  Flavonids, Tanins, Terpenoid glycoside,Aminoacid and saponin) while hot water extraction for  laves  Cinnamomum camphora consttituents revealed presence  of  active  material like (Flavonids, saponin, alkaloids and Tanins).     


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How to Cite
A .AL-Madane, S. (2018). Styding The Effects of Cinnamomum camphora crude aquous alcoholic Extracts In Bacteria Isolated From tract Infections. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 22(3), 152 - 165. Retrieved from