Study of effciecy of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in reducing the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1andB2 in male albino rats

  • Ù….د. سعاد وحيد كاظم كلية العلوم/جامعة الكوفة
  • Ù….د.اثير باسل عباس


The study revealed the ability of Article Saccharomyces cerevisiae to reduce the toxic effects of in the vital systems of male albino rat with an increase in the count of white blood cell (W.B.Cs) were increase as (12000,11333.3) cell \mm3 and comper by treatment ofcontrol to(8333.3)cell\mm3.While the role Saccharomyces cerevisiae of increase the white blood cells in treatment of animals in (AFB1+S,AFB2+S) to (8510.3,8550.6) cell\ well as when treated of the blood of animals by aflatoxin B1 and B2 just in both one that have nective effectiv in the rate of hemoglbin concentration to ( 7.4,8.) g\100ml respectively.significant differentes treatment of control to (11.9) ) g\ml While it was that significant decreased in P.C.V% reched to (23)% in AFB1 treated just where was in AFB2 to(25.5)% while as treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with toxins that posstive effect was rised in P.C.V% of blood animal treatment to (37,36)%. in the blood of animals comparison in (AFB1+ Saccharomyces cerevisiae, AFB2+ Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in nearly equal to the treatment of control to (11.1) g\ml of was recorded on E.S.R.More over the result indicate that treatment AFB1,AFB2 have clear role in rising of liver enzymes levels G0T to (22,23.3) IU\Lrespectively . comper to treatment control to (18) IU\L as was as increased liver enzymes levels of GPT to (25.3,28) IU\L respectively.While it was levled decreased of aflatoxins B1,B2 with of Saccharomyces cerevisiae both in one to (17.2,16.9) IU\L respectively.On besid of blood suger rate was rised to (100.3,102.3)mg\100ml suger in treatment animal of aflatoxins B1,B2comparitive treatment to control to (83.6 ) mg\100ml suger on other hand in rising while the (90,87) mg\100ml suger in treatment (AFB1+ Saccharomyces cerevisiae ,AFB2+ Saccharomyces cerevisiae) respectively.Anddemonstrater the results of histological of the members of the liver ,kidneys,intestines to toxic aflatoxinsB1,B2 were influential and caused the events of histological changes sever where was occurrence of congestion and bleeding inarteries and veins of the liver and enlargement of cell(Hypertroph) as well as to inflammation of glomeruli of renal necrosis in the intestinal represents the occurrence of bleeding effect and the fall of the vill and analyze the material was Saccharomyces cerevisiae played an important role in miligating the pathology of this study .some times removal of these symptoms for each tissus members in particular the intestinal tissue .


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How to Cite
كاظم م.د. سعاد وحيد, & عباس م.د.اثير باسل. (2017). Study of effciecy of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in reducing the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1andB2 in male albino rats. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 19(1). Retrieved from