1. Isolation and Detection of Echoviruses in Acute Flaccid Paralysis among children under 15 years old in different Iraqi Provinces

2. Antiatherosclerotic potential of aspirin Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory approaches

3. Detection of TEM and SHV genes in Escherichia coli and Klebseilla species isolated from cancer patients in Al-Diwaniya Governorate

4. The risk of conventional X-RAY for abdominal examination at different Erbil hospitals

5. New technique use to Rapid Isolation Pneumococcus bacteria from both Pneumococcus meningitis and Pneumococcus pneumonia infections in Iraq

6. Effect of Amlodipine drug on male sex hormones of hypertensive patients in Al-Najaf province

7. Extraction and Identification of A Flavonoid compound from Oak Plant(Quercus infectoria Oliv.) and study Of Its Antibacterial Activity, in vitro

8. Methotrixate for nonsurgical management of ectopic pregnancy

9. Acute Meningitis in Children Clinical and Laboratory Profiles

10. Epidemiological study in roseola infantum in Babylon

11. Association of lewis phenotype blood groups with recurrent urinary tract infection in female

12. Phenotypic detection of extended –spectrum betalactamase production in Proteus. mirabilis isolation from Patients with Significant Bacteriuria in Najaf provina

13. Blastocystis hominis infections among patients in Duhok City Kurdistan Region – IRAQ

14. Asses microvascular densities in breast ductal cell carcinoma (using CD 31 & VWF immunostain), in correlation to ER status

15. Effectivness of 10% povidone iodine as ascolicidal agent in hydatid cyst surgery in compared with other scolicidal agents

16. Comparisons of quality of life for schizophrenic outpatients and a control population

17. Sublay versus onlay mesh repair of ventral hernia

18. OxidantAntioxidant Status, C-reactive Protein and Serum Leptin in Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Effect of Vitamin E Supplemention

19. Upper Respiratory tract infection in breast feed baby versus formula feeding

20. Immunohistochemical study of CD15 expression in CD30+ classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma

21. In vivo cytogenetic and genotoxic effects of curcumin on mouse bone marrow

22. Efficacy of oral mefenamic acid in treatment of rash of Gianotti–Crosti syndrome A prospective noncontrolled case-series study

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