The Public Health Branch at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine / Al-Qadisiyah University held a panel discussion entitled “Health status of meat slaughterhouses in Diwaniya city”.

Objectives: The aim of the workshop is to promote the health massacres in the city of Diwaniyah, to produce meat free of pathogens under strict health control and to prevent slaughter outside the massacres.

Summary :
The city of Diwaniyah suffers from the lack of modern health massacres that are far from residential areas to replace the old ones that are currently located close to the residential neighborhoods. In addition to the existence of illegal slaughter in the shops and markets of the butcher that should be deterred and held accountable.

1- Production of meat free of pathogens.
2 – Building health massacres with international standards that meet all health conditions.
3 – Prohibit slaughter outside the massacres approved healthily.

This workshop was held in the nutrition laboratory of the public health branch in the college. Presented by this seminar was the teacher Wissam Rahim Attieh in the branch.

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