قضايا تعليم اللغة العربية عند الدكتور نعمة رحيم العزاوي ورؤيته لتجاوز الضعف فيها

  • أ.م. د. ضرغام سامي عبد الأمير سامي عبد الأمير كلية التربية / جامعة القادسية
  • م. صادق عباس هادي الطريحي كلية التربية / جامعة القادسية
Keywords: Issues of Teaching the Arabic Language, Ni’ma Rahim Al-Azzawi, Language Acquisition


Dr. Ni’ma Rahim Al-Azzawi is considered as one of the contemporary scholars in the Arabic language, and he has left many books and researches behind like facilitation, linguistic criticism, and teaching the Arabic language. Perhaps, his book (Issues of Teaching Arabic Language - A New Vision) is represented as a distinguished effort in teaching the Arabic language, and the importance of the book is based on the employment of Dr. Al-Azzawi for his extensive educational experience in teaching Arabic in elementary and secondary schools. In addition, to his work in the Educational Curricula Directorate as well as his participation in writing textbooks. In his book, he presented several educational issues, including the issue of language acquisition, teaching the language by automatic and intentional methods, and then he presented the issue of functional teaching of the language and its skills, and distinguished in teaching expression between the concepts of composition and expression, and the last a presentation of the problem of grammar.       

This research aims to observe these issues, and others who have studied them, and to study Dr. Al-Azzawi's opinions, in order to reach a clear vision of the reality of teaching the Arabic language, and to present proposals to develop its education.                                                                  

    The research is divided into a preface; which presents the scientific biography of Dr. Al-Azzawi;  with three sections and a conclusion. The first section deals with the issue of the linguistic acquisition, and the second one presents the issue of the functional grammar and the problem of teaching grammar among students, while the third section presents the issue of expression, methods of teaching, and finally a conclusion contains the results that the research has  reached to.             


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How to Cite
سامي عبد الأميرأ. د. ض. س. ع. ا., & هادي الطريحيم. ص. ع. (2021). قضايا تعليم اللغة العربية عند الدكتور نعمة رحيم العزاوي ورؤيته لتجاوز الضعف فيها. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(2), 182-191. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/367