صور الالهة ورموزها على الاختام الكاشية 1595- 1160 ق م.

  • Dr.. Abbas Ali Abbas .


Seals in both types cylinder seals and stamp, represent the most important means by which the artist in Mesopotamia implemented many of his ideas, whether those ideas were related to his everyday life or religious life, and because the gods or deities represented the main pillar in every religion, the Mesopotamian artist deliberately implemented during the Kasssaite period their images and symbols. On his artistic production in general, and on cylinder seals in particular, and in this research for which we chose a sample of seven cylinder seals, we will trace those images and symbols, and try to know their origins and implications according to the descriptive analytical approach, after mentioning the type of material used by the artist and its measurements where the seal was kept Note that the models of the Kasssaite seals and the distribution of their topics differ greatly from the seals of the previous periods, and before that we dealt with the civilized aspect of the Kasssaite period and we knew that era historically and civilized..


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How to Cite
., D. A. A. A. (2021). صور الالهة ورموزها على الاختام الكاشية 1595- 1160 ق م. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3(2), 293-308. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/419