قراءة أدبية في ملحمة كلكامش

  • Dr.Taghreed Abdul Khaleq Hadi .


The epic of Gilgamesh represents a historical and literary turning point in the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia. It is a creative point in Sumerian history, chronicling a mythical hero (Gilgamesh) and depicting to us with a lot of fantasy his external appearance, as well as the social and religious environment of that sacred city for the Sumerians, in an excellent poetic and narrative style, and successive nations followed suit, in perpetuating the popular and historical heritage of their countries And their successive civilization, generation after generation, and in our analytical study we stopped at the most important aesthetics of the Sumerian text in the form in which it reached us, trying to trace the legend, imagination, and stand on the drawing of the characters of this great epic

In addition, we have stood on one of the three elements of building the epic, which is the place through two effective models in the epic poetic text: the city of Uruk as a historical and realistic place that was the scene of the epic events, and the Cedars forest as a miraculous and imaginary place, the real challenge to the courage of Gilgamesh and Enkidu through the decision to venture in the middle of this forest As well as literature to stand on the semantic and aesthetic transformations of the place and the movement of heroes in it.


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How to Cite
., D. A. K. H. (2021). قراءة أدبية في ملحمة كلكامش. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3(2), 309-323. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/420