التواصل الحضاري للزخارف المعمارية في البيوت التراثية

  • Dr. Jamal Abdel Wahed .


Characterized by traditional architecture card inexhaustible potential through the ages framing and covering a high degree of inclusiveness and the requirements of the place                        .
   The research aims to shed light on the architectural decoration in the windows of houses and traditional style, impact of art, to absorb away the intellectual and practical documentation and employed according to the determinants of the age.                                                         
   The research methodology descriptive analytical comparative models of the Traditional Houses in Iraq, Yemen, and the adoption of (4) models elected by the Heritage Houses for Architecture Iraqi, Yemeni, by Onmozgen each one of them, through the analysis of methods decoration used in the implementation of these ornaments and architectural decoration. As well as an artistic style to which it belongs.                                         
   Results showed that the model of architectural decoration in the Traditional Houses in Iraq due to the antiquity through eras Abbasid with a different method of implementation of the different materials used in the interfaces, either houses in Yemen is the model and newcomer Brian - Indian collection, between the style of architecture of Renaissance European and architecture of India, Islamic, The study recommended to pay attention to vocabulary heritage architecture which is a wealth of knowledge of intellectual and practical dimensions.


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How to Cite
., D. J. A. W. (2021). التواصل الحضاري للزخارف المعمارية في البيوت التراثية. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3(2), 123-143. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/423