المستقبلية وتوظيفاتها في التصميم الكرافيكي المعاصر

  • Ali mohammed shaway . الجامعة التقنية الوسطى/ معهد الفنون التطبيقية
  • Shamimaa Kamil Dakhil . الجامعة التقنية الوسطى/ معهد الفنون التطبيقية


 We live today in a world full of images and rapidly changing events of ideas, technical concepts and tools, as the art of graphic design is no longer based on the characteristics of local schools in design only, the communication and deliberation systems have controlled the presentation of the graphic discourse in influential ways presented by the designer with their contemporary topics and discourse Through the communication that reduced the idea of ​​space and time and defined the priorities of design methods, the dynamism of the design discourse from the west and east of the earth became an aesthetic and cognitive achievement together based on contemporary communication systems, and we can say that the art of graphic design today left it from its previous exile and expanded its expansion in conveying influential messages to the world If the research was organized into four chapters, then the first chapter came to define the research problem that was manifested in the following questions: 1- Did the future school contribute to the diversity of visual systems and transmission media in shaping the contemporary graphic discourse? The importance of the research was evidenced by the following:

1- To reveal the school's future transformations in contemporary graphic design. The theoretical framework was concerned with two studies, the first topic dealt with (aesthetic and functional transformation) while the second topic was concerned (the technical transformation of the form), and the third chapter was devoted to describing and analyzing the research samples.


1-Nateq Khulousi, Readings on the Term, House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad 2010, p. 124.
2-Nadia Suleiman, The History of Ancient and Modern Plastic Art, Al-Fateh Library, Baghdad, 2011, pg. 137.
3-Mahmoud Amhaz, Contemporary Artistic Currents, Beirut, 2nd Edition, pg.173.
4-Radwan Jawdat Ziada, Postmodern Society, Market Sociology and Fashion, Al-Balagh Foundation, 2000, p. 1 (website: info@balagh.com).
5-Adnan Al-Mubarak: On Philosophy of Technique, Small Encyclopedia Series (337), House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad, 1992, pp. 22-27.
6- Nassif Jassim Muhammad. Design and the future, an article published on the Internet, T: 23 September-2019. https://www.alaalem.com/?aa=news&id22=56744
7-Muller, J.A., and Frank Elger: One Hundred Years of Modern Painting, translated by: Fakhri Khalil, Revision by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Al Mamoun House for Translation and Publishing, 1988, p.97.
8-Bell, Clafi, Al-Fan-TD: Adel Mustafa, Arab Renaissance House-Lebanon, Beirut, Edition 1,2001, p. 41.
9-Herbert Reed, The Education of Artistic Taste, TR: Yusef Mikhail Asaad, p. 31.
10-Iyad Muhammad Sabri, Building Standards in the Formal Organization of Print Design in Iraq, PhD thesis, unpublished 1997, College of Fine Arts, Baghdad, pg. 77.
11- Ibrahim Madkour, The Philosophical Dictionary, The Dictionary of the Arabic Language, Cairo, 1989, p.176.
12-Nathan Knobler, The Vision Dialogue, translated by Fakhri Khalil, Al-Mamoun House for Translation and Publishing, Baghdad, 1987, p. 119.
13-Abdul-Rahman Badawi, as for Na`il Kent, Publications Agency, Kuwait, 1st Edition / 1977, pg. 174.
14- Iyad Hussein Abdullah, The Art of Design, Part 2, United Arab Emirates, 2008, pg 199.
15-Mahmoud Amhaz, Contemporary Artistic Currents, Beirut, 2nd Edition, pg.173.
16-Radwan Jawdat Ziada, Postmodern Society, Market Sociology and Fashion, Al-Balagh Foundation, 2000, p. 1 (website: info@balagh.com).
17-Nateq Khulousi, Readings on the Term, House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad 2010, p. 124.
18-Nadia Suleiman, The History of Ancient and Modern Plastic Art, Al-Fateh Library, Baghdad, 2011, pg. 137.
19-Nateq Khulousi, Readings on the Term, House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad 2010, p. 124.
20-Nadia Suleiman, The History of Ancient and Modern Plastic Art, Al-Fateh Library, Baghdad, 2011, pg. 137.
21-Mahmoud Amhaz, Contemporary Artistic Currents, Beirut, 2nd Edition, pg.173.
22-Radwan Jawdat Ziada, Postmodern Society, Market Sociology and Fashion, Al-Balagh Foundation, 2000, p. 1 (website: info@balagh.com).
23-Adnan Al-Mubarak: On Philosophy of Technique, Small Encyclopedia Series (337), House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad, 1992, pp. 22-27.
24-Nassif Jassim Muhammad. Design and the Future, Article published on the Internet, T: 23 September-2019. https://www.alaalem.com/?aa=news&id22=56744
25-Muller, J.A., and Frank Elger: One Hundred Years of Modern Painting, translated by: Fakhri Khalil, Revision by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Al Mamoun House for Translation and Publishing, 1988, p.97.
26-Bell, Clafi, Al-Fan-TD: Adel Mustafa, Arab Renaissance House - Lebanon, Beirut, Edition 1,2001, p. 41.
27-Herbert Reed, The Education of Artistic Taste, TR: Yusef Mikhail Asaad, p. 31.
28-Iyad Muhammad Sabri, Building Standards in the Formal Organization of Print Design in Iraq, PhD thesis, unpublished 1997, College of Fine Arts, Baghdad, pg. 77.
29-Ibrahim Madkour, The Philosophical Dictionary, The Dictionary of the Arabic Language, Cairo, 1989, p.176.
30-Nathan Knobler, The Vision Dialogue, translated by Fakhri Khalil, Al-Mamoun House for Translation and Publishing, Baghdad, 1987, p. 119.
31-Abdul-Rahman Badawi, As for Na`il Kent, Publications Agency, Kuwait, 1st Edition / 1977, p. 174.
32- Iyad Hussein Abdullah, The Art of Design, Part 2, United Arab Emirates, 2008, pg 199.
33-Mahmoud Amhaz, Contemporary Artistic Currents, Beirut, 2nd Edition, pg.173.
34- Radwan Jawdat Ziada, Postmodern Society, Market Sociology and Fashion, Al-Balagh Foundation, 2000, p. 1 (website: info@balagh.com).
35-Nateq Khulousi, Readings on the Term, House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad 2010, p. 124.
36-Nadia Suleiman, The History of Ancient and Modern Plastic Art, Al-Fateh Library, Baghdad, 2011, pg. 137.-
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42- Dimmack, Max: Art Techniques for Amateurs, New York, Viking press, NY. 10022. Library of Comgress, 1971, P. 81.
How to Cite
., A. mohammed shaway, & ., S. K. D. (2021). المستقبلية وتوظيفاتها في التصميم الكرافيكي المعاصر. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3(2), 324-336. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/425