The Resilience Scale among University Students

  • Prof. Dr. Hisham Mahdi Karim Al Kaabi .
  • Wael Mohsen Taha Al-Tayyi .


The youth stage is considered as one of the most important stages in a person's life. For this reason, it has received great attention from specialists and researchers because of the importance this segment represents in the development of their society as wells as its promotion, advancement and its pursue to keep pace with advanced societies due to the fact that university students are normally the ones that carry the responsibility of advancing their society and achieving its goals.

In light of this, the researcher sought to know the coping competence among university students through the following goals:

1- Resilience Scale among university students.

2- Differences in the resilience scale of university students according to the variables (type, specialization).

      To achieve the goals of the research, the researcher constructed the Resilience Scale in light of Wagnild and Young’s theory which consists of (36) items in its final form after extracting the psychometric properties of them.

      The researcher verified the validity and reliability of these two scales and statistically analyzed their items on a sample of (400) male and female university students of the morning study. After completing the preparation of the research tools, the final application was carried out on the applied research sample of (400) male and female students, chosen by the stratified random method. In order to analyze the results of the research, the researcher used a set of statistical methods, including (T-test for one sample, T-test for two independent samples, Pearson correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, Chi square.


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How to Cite
., P. D. H. M. K. A. K., & ., W. M. T. A.-T. (2021). The Resilience Scale among University Students. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(4), 203-220. Retrieved from