The self and the other in (lahn entisar Alyasameen)

  • dr . Nabeel Hadi Nahi .


In this research, I dealt with the Self and the Other in the (lahn entsar alyasameen) by the Diwani poet (Maen Ghaleb Sebbah). In the preface, I presented two topics, the first: an introduction to the poet and the beginnings of his feeling of the poetic, the elements of his cultural formation, and who was influenced by Arab poets, and what are his poetic publications, And the awards he received, and the second: the concepts of self and the other. Then it dealt with the relationship of the self and the other in the melody of the victory of Jasmine in four axes.


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How to Cite
., dr . N. H. N. (2021). The self and the other in (lahn entisar Alyasameen). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(4), 235-248. Retrieved from