تحليل محتوى كتب الاجتماعيات للصف الاول متوسط على وفق مبادئ المواطنة المسؤولة

  • Ass. Prof. Dr. Alaa Ibrahim Razouki .
  • Ass. Prof. Dr. Hanan Abdel-Karim Omran .


  The current research aims to (analysis of the social content of the first grade average according to the principles of responsible citizenship).  I reviewed the educational literature and previous studies, and then presented them to some experts and specialists in teaching methods;  In order to express their opinions and observations in it, and in light of this, some paragraphs were modified, added and deleted, and, based on the modified tool, analyzed the content of social books in accordance with the principles of responsible citizenship.

To ensure the stability of the analysis, the researcher used the method of analysis with the help of another analyst, and by using the Holstey equation, the reliability coefficient between the researcher and the other analyst reached (0.88), and the researcher analyzed the content again with a time difference between the two analyzes (twenty-one days), and the reliability coefficient between the two analyzes reached (0.95).  The idea and the subject were used as units of analysis and because they were appropriate for the research objective, and the nature of the analyzed content, and the analysis was done according to fixed foundations and steps.

For the purpose of extracting the results, the researcher used the frequencies and percentage frequencies of the principles of responsible citizenship, and the results of the research resulted in: that the highest principle of freedom and responsibility was achieved by (100) recurrences and percentage frequency (25.91), followed by the principle of identity and national belonging at a rate of (91) recurrences and percentage frequency (23.57),  As for the principle of duties, it achieved (80) recurrences and percentage frequency (20.73), then the principle of rights comes at a rate of (61) recurrence and percentage frequency (15.8), then the principle of social justice comes with (36) recurrence and percentage frequency (9.33), followed by political awareness with the reality of  (18) Frequency and Frequency Percentile (4.66).

The researcher recommended several recommendations, including:

  1. The educational books are subject to periodic review for development and improvement by the Ministry’s Curriculum Drafting Committee.
  2. The need for education officials to pay attention to developing effective guiding programs that help develop responsible citizenship and instill values ​​and ideals in the hearts of members of society.
  3. That the school increase its activities in spreading national awareness among all types of students through its extracurricular programs, and take advantage of national events to increase their enthusiasm in this aspect.

 The researcher came up with a number of suggestions, including:

  1. Conducting a similar study in the primary stage in the subject of social studies
  2. Conducting an evaluation study of social studies books from the point of view of teachers, students and supervisors of the principles of responsible citizenship in those books.


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How to Cite
., A. P. D. A. I. R., & ., A. P. D. H. A.-K. O. (2022). تحليل محتوى كتب الاجتماعيات للصف الاول متوسط على وفق مبادئ المواطنة المسؤولة. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(3), 107-118. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/537