the Weakly and Strongly Forms of Fibrewise Fuzzy ω-Topological Spaces

  • mohmammed abde hussain University of Baghdad
Keywords: weakly fibrewise fuzzy θ-ω-topological spaces, strongly fibrewise fuzzy θ-ω-topological spaces


This paper is devoted to introduce weak and strong forms of fibrewise fuzzy ω-topological spaces, namely the fibrewise fuzzy q-ω-topological spaces, weakly fibrewise fuzzy q-ω-topological spaces and strongly fibrewise fuzzy q-ω- topological spaces. Also, Several characterizations and properties of this class are also given as well. Finally, we focused on studying the relationship between weakly fibrewise fuzzy q-ω-topological spaces and strongly fibrewise fuzzy q-ω-topological spaces.


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How to Cite
abde hussain, mohmammed. (2023). the Weakly and Strongly Forms of Fibrewise Fuzzy ω-Topological Spaces. Al-Qadisiyah Journal of Pure Science, 27(1), 147-169.