الدين العام وأثره على أداء الاقتصاد العراقي للمدة(2003-2018) للطالبة ريام ناظم بريبر/كلية الادارة والاقتصاد/قسم الاقتصاد

الدين العام وأثره على أداء الاقتصاد العراقي للمدة(2003-2018) من قبل الطالبةريام ناظم بريبر بإشرافالاستاذ المساعد الدكتورةميامي صلال صاحب الشكري ... قراءة المزيد

ا.م.د جبار عفات علوان

Salmonella typhi is a member of S. serovar which cause "typhoid fever" , consider common health difficult in developing countries. The purpose of the research was to study plant extract of S. typhi in typhoid patient by molecular and bacteriological assay .A total of 90 blood samples aged between (10-60) years ,were involved in this study. blood samples were cultured directly on brain heart infusion broth .After that sub cultured of isolates on MacConkey agar and Hekton enteric agar and S.S agar to find the Salmonella typhi then identified by biochemical, molecular assay and antibiotic sensitive test. After that preparation of plant extracts from zingiber and acacia , fractionation with soxholet extractor and isolate the active material by HPLC , evaluation its potency on Salmonella typhi isolates by well diffusion and disk diffusion test. Results showed that there was 4 Salmonella typhi isolates from blood culture, as well as, Flic gene success in amplification of 450bp fragment for amino glycoside resistant , wherever Plant extracts may be show highest inhibition zone diameter of S. typhi reached by action of zingiber extract . while acacia extract was accompanied the lowest inhibition effect for S. typhi growth . ... قراءة المزيد

ا.م.د جبار عفات علوان

Study aimed to show the effect of inflammatory mediators ( IL-6 and gamma interferon) and molecules CD54 & CD2 in patients infected with COVID-19 A overall of (100) positive patients for COVID-19 were selected for project .Patients attended general lab. With sings of COVID-19 then select to expression 0f gamma interferon & IL-6 in serum of patient and indication expression of CD54 and CD2in serum of patients. Results indicated that gamma interferon & IL-6 highly important increases (p<0.001) in serum level of covid- 19 patients as matched with healthy control groups , acute covid 19 exposed great as well as , rises in serum near of gamma interferon & IL-6 pointedly(p<0.001) ,although modest cases of disease show great proliferation in serum level of IL-6 expressively(p<0.001).immune molecules showed more expression of CD2 & CD54 in covid- 19 patients as matched with healthy normal groups. ... قراءة المزيد