1- Effect ofAlcoholic &Water Extracts of Costusspeciosus
(Koen.)Some Species of Aspergillus spp. that Causing of
Pulmonary MycoticInfections (I)
2- Detection of ERG11-2 gene in candida spp. wich resistant to some
antifungal agents by Real Time –PCR
3- Detection of Histoplasma capsulatum in bats dropping by using polymerase
chain reaction(PCR) at the first time in Iraq
4- Efficacy of Sliver nanoparticle against pathogenic
yeast:Cryptococcus neoformans invivo
5- Morphological effects of alcoholic extract of Costus speciosus
Koen. on Aspergillussp. That causing pulmonary infections(III)

6-)02تأثير الوستخلص الوائي لأوراق نباث اليىكالبتىس . Eucalyptus spفي نوى الفطر

7-Antifungal Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Aspergillus

8-Characterization of Silver Nano Particles Synthesized by Leaves

9-Effect of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles on gene expression of

10-Phylogenetic Tree Analysis of Dermatophytes using Sequence of

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