1. Synthesis And Photolysis Study of the New Reagent
  2. البحث الثاني
  3. Synthesis, characterization, physical and biological properties ofsome cholesterol derivatives
  4. Study the Effects Influencing the Adsorption of Toluidine Blue O (TBO) Dye onto MnO2 Surface
  5. Synthesis of some transition metal complexes with new heterocyclicthiazolyl azo dye and their uses as sensitizers in photo reactions
  6. Effect Type of Solvent, Type of Catalyst and Power of Lamp on Photo Oxidation of Benzene
  7. Removal of Titan Yellow GR from Water Using Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) in the Presence of Suspended ZnO as a Catalyst
  8. Photolysis of α-Naphtholbenzein Using TiO2 as a Catalyst in thePresence of Sun Light

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