على المستوى العلمي العالي وفي المجال التخصصي الدقيق تم نشر بحث قام به المدرس الدكتور  ميران عبد الأمير عطية  في إحدى المجلات العلمية الرصينة ذات معامل تأثير متميز قد تمت المشاركة بهذا البحث في جائزة يوم العلم الذي إقامته  وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي دائرة البحث والتطوير وقد حصل الدكتور على جائزة يوم العلم وحصوله على المركز الأول على نطاق المجموعة الطبية في العراق
جهة اصدار المجلة  تاريخ النشر  No.  Vol.  IF  عنوان المجلة (20%)  عنوان البحث المنشور او المقبول للنشر    1    USA  2012  R199–R208  303  3.34  American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative  and Comparative Physiology  Expression of sweet receptor components in equine small intestine:  relevance to intestinal glucose transport         نبذة عن البحث مع بيان مدى تطبيق البحث في مجالات  الاختصاص ومدى الاستفادة منه     2      The heteromeric sweet taste receptor  T1R2-T1R3 is expressed on the luminal membrane of certain populations of  enteroendocrine cells. Sensing of sugars and other sweet compounds by this  receptor activates a pathway in enteroendocrine cells, resulting in secretion  of a number of gut hormones, including glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2). This  subsequently leads to upregulation in the expression of intestinal  Na+/glucose cotransporter, SGLT1, and increased intestinal glucose  absorption. On the basis of the current information available on the horse  genome sequence, it has been proposed that the gene for T1R2 (Tas1R2) is  absent in the horse. We show here, however, that horses express both the mRNA  and protein for T1R2. Equine T1R2 is most closely homologous to that in the  pig and the cow.T1R2 protein, along with T1R3, _-gustducin, and GLP-2  proteins are coexpressed in equine intestinal endocrine cells. Intravenous  administration of GLP-2, in rats and pigs, leads to an increase in the  expression of SGLT1 in absorptive enterocytes and enhancement in blood  glucose concentrations. GLP-2 receptor is expressed in enteric neurons,  excluding the direct effect of GLP-2 on enterocytes. However, electric stimulation of enteric neurons generates a  neural response leading to SGLT1 upregulation, suggesting that sugar in the  intestine activates a reflex increase in the functional expression of SGLT1.  Horses possess the ability to upregulate SGLT1 expression in response to  increased dietary carbohydrates, and to enhance the capacity of the gut to  absorb glucose. The gut sweet receptor provides an accessible target for  manipulating the equine gut to absorb glucose (and water), allowing greater  energy uptake and hydration for hard-working horses.   Perspectives and Significance The sweet sensor may provide a convenient  and accessible target for manipulating the  capacity of  the equine intestine to absorb glucose (and water). This has potential  for  enhancing energy uptake and hydration for  hard-working horses.                 Hard-working horses have a greater demand  for glucose as a source of energy.  Enhancing the activity of the intestinal  glucose cotransporter 1, SGLT1, not only  provides the horse with more glucose, but  also salt and water. Equine intestine  expresses the sweet-sensing components  required for upregulation of SGLT1  in  response to increased luminal glucose.     The understanding of the functional  properties of equine gastrointestinal carbohydrate sensing, digestion, and  absorption allows the rational formulation of feed and  feed supplements to enhance intestinal 1جائزة يوم العلم د . ميرانglucoseand water absorption. This has attendant promise for enhancing equine  performance and alleviating postexercise dehydration

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