التطور الروائي لشخصية هيثكلف كبطل بايروني في "مرتفعات وذرنج" لأيميلي برونتي

  • Fahim Cheffat Salman .


Heathcliff is one of the fictional characters in Bronte's English novel' Wuthering Heights" which is written during the literary revolution against the boastful state of human against nature. This novel represented a piece of literature in a period that was concerned with the conflict between human and nature. Many literary works have been written illustrating the society's corruption towards natural goodness in human. Heathcliff is one of the principal characters of this novel represents as one member in the society who did corruption. He is a savage because he is remote of social norms. He is full with dark characteristics of Byronic hero. This type of hero sophisticated from Lord Byron's work, which featured such type of character." A man proud, cynical, moody, misery in his heart, a scorner in his kind capable of deep and strong affection, and implacable in revenge". The current study follows the descriptive analytical method. It initiates by an introduction composing a background to the study; followed by a summary of the plot, previous studies (Literature review), discussion, and conclusion. The current study revealed that Heathcliff dies of broken heart without reconcile to Catherine's death.

The findings of this study portrait that both Edgar and Heathcliff finally passed away of broken heart.The writer, Bronte, introduces for us with the actual love and the relationship between the two cousins, Cathy and Hareton "one loving and desiring to esteem, and the other loving and desiring to be esteemed". The novel is an investigation into romantic love, blind passion, including a special discourse on social agreements, jealousy, violence, and revenge.


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How to Cite
., F. C. S. (2023). التطور الروائي لشخصية هيثكلف كبطل بايروني في "مرتفعات وذرنج" لأيميلي برونتي. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(4), 557-563. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/588