Causal Delusion Among High School Students

  • Dr. Ahmed Ammar Jawad .
  • Res. Raghad Waheed Kazem .


The current research aims to identify the level of causal delusions among middle school students , the statistically significant relationship among middle school students according to the variables (gender, grade, branch) , Significant differences in the relationship between causal delusions among middle school students according to the variables (gender, grade, branch).

To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher sought to 1-The final research sample consisted of (550) male and female students and a statistical analysis sample (400) who were chosen by stratified random method according to the proportionality method, and were determined by the students of the governmental preparatory stage “morning study” in the center of Babil Governorate for the academic year (2021-2022), and from both Both genders (males, females) , The researcher Construct a scale of causal delusion, which consists of three domains (false beliefs) (cognitive bias) (cognitive distortion), depending on the cognitive perceptual theory. The researcher measured the scale on students in middle schools, and after completing the conditions of honesty, stability, discriminatory strength, and internal consistency, it included (30) positions distributed over the three domains , After collecting the data and analyzing it statistically using the Social Statistical Bag (spss), the research reached.

 The present to the following results : It was found that the students of the preparatory stage have a causal illusion and are available at an above average level, which indicates a danger that must be paid attention to , and  The male students are not different from the female students in that they suffer from causal delusion, although the previous knowledge indicates that females are affected more than males by causal delusion. and The branch in which the students study had no effect, neither in terms of the vocabulary of the subjects nor in terms of teaching strategies, which requires follow-up and scrutiny.


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How to Cite
., D. A. A. J., & ., R. R. W. K. (2023). Causal Delusion Among High School Students. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(4), 124-141. Retrieved from