ادمان المخدرات مشكلة مجتمعية-دراسة اجتماعية ميدانية في مدينة الديوانية

  • م.م. بشرى جلاوي محمد كلية الآداب / جامعة القادسية


The phenomenon of drug addiction is one of the complex and dangerous phenomena on the individual and society, and its danger lies in the fact that it affects the human energy represented by youth, and thus it affects the present and the future of societies, so the current  research seeks to identify the concept of addiction and to identify the most important factors that lead to addiction among young people, as well as to identify the role of  institutions Socialism in reducing the  phenomenon of addiction. The importance of the current research lies in the fact that addiction poses a danger and a threat to societies, because it affects the human and effective energy in society. The current research is considered descriptive and analytical research, and it uses the social survey method to collect information and data as it is the most appropriate with the study of the topic. The research reached for several results, including:

1-From the respondents' point of view, the research results indicated the danger of addiction on the individual and society.

2- The results confirmed that family problems are one of the most important factors, that lead to an individual's addiction, and the companionship as well, which plays a major role in making the individual victim of addiction.

3- The results emphasized the need to hold seminars and conferences to understand the phenomenon of addiction, its risks and its psychological, social and economic impacts on the individual and society.


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How to Cite
جلاوي محمدم. ب. (2021). ادمان المخدرات مشكلة مجتمعية-دراسة اجتماعية ميدانية في مدينة الديوانية. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(2), 87-99. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/358