تقابل الرؤية في النص المسرحي العربي دراسة سوسيولوجية

  • Dr. Amer Sabah Nouri . جامعة بابل/ كلية الفنون الجميلة


This research is concerned with studying the vision in the Arab theatrical text and the extent to which it corresponds sociologically to international theater experiences, especially since there are dramatic texts that the visions converged between them, through the adoption of themes for their ideas that were launched in their dramatic texts that are related to society and what requires propositions that differ according to the environment in which they live. The writer, which made writers celebrate the dramatic forms and reflect them in the body of their theatrical blogs. Therefore, the researcher identified the research problem with the following question: What is the vision in the theatrical text? And how was it matched sociologically in the Arab theatrical text?

The importance of this research is that it is a study that corresponds to the vision of the Arab playwright, and shows the extent of the closeness between writers in their thoughts and aspirations, and the way of dealing with these topics and embodying them in their theatrical texts with what is going on in the world in terms of theatrical trends and currents.


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How to Cite
., D. A. S. N. (2021). تقابل الرؤية في النص المسرحي العربي دراسة سوسيولوجية. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3(2), 281-292. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/417