Economic characteristics of the elderly in the province of Babylon

  • أ.د. جواد كاظم الحسناوي .
  • هديل كاظم هادي المنصوري .


The study of the economic characteristics of the population is one of the important elements in the study of the population, and these characteristics are of great importance in the field of population studies, because they express the economic structure that can be based on determining the features of economic activity, and the importance of the elements of that activity and their relationship to the conditions of the geographical environment The research included the practical case of the elderly The economic activity and the standard of living as well as the housing return for the elderly in the governorate. The research came out after it conclusions, including the high proportion of the elderly who are unable to work, whether at the level of Babylon governorate or at the level of its administrative units in its urban and rural areas, because this age group has a high percentage of retirees and those unable to work. Because of the diseases they suffer and their bodies cannot bear the fatigue and exhaustion. There is a difference in the percentages of the elderly in terms of work and type of profession between urban and rural and at the level of the governorate and administrative units, where the percentages of elderly people working in commercial professions in urban areas and agricultural professions in the countryside rise, and the low level of monthly income for the elderly, because most of them are unable to work with a difference between Urban and rural, the trend of the elderly in terms of ownership of housing is almost uniform


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How to Cite
.أ. ج. ك. ا., & .ه. ك. ه. ا. (2022). Economic characteristics of the elderly in the province of Babylon. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(3), 17-48. Retrieved from