ابرز محاضرات البحوث العالمية للمؤتمر الدولي العلمي الاول لكلية العلوم 2017-2018

افتتح مؤتمر كلية العلوم في يوم 19/11/2017 بمحاضرتين علميتين لباحثين من جامعة المانية وجامعة امريكية وكما مبين في ادناهاسماء الباحثين وعناوين بحوثهم وملخصاتها

المحاضرة الاولى:

Prof. Dr. Najim A. Al-Masoudi

Consultant, Department of Chemistry, University of Konstanz, P.O. Box 5560-D-Konstanz, Germany

Progress in Diagnosis and Treatmet of Cancer: Nanomedicine and Chemotherapy

Personalized oncology provides new hopes for reducing cancer mortality by selectively targeting anticancer drugs to malignant cells, at the level of the target-sites on the cell surface and within the tumor microenvironment [1, 2]. Nanooncology has succeeded in increasing specificity and effectiveness of cancer treatments, both facilitating drugs uptake and delivery and reducing systemic toxicity and adverse events. The role of noncoding DNA in cancer has revealed novel types of promising biomarkers. Genetic and epigenetic biomarkers in cancer management are beginning to affect prognosis and outcome for most human tumors [3].

Therapeutic success has already been achieved by using cytochrome P450 inhibitors to treat, for example, breast and prostate cancer [4]. One cause of the prostate cancer is increased level of the enzyme cytochrome P450 (CYP17 hydroxylase-lyase) in blood. This enzyme is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum in the testes as well as in the adrenals and is the key enzyme for androgen biosynthesis. Here one has to note that more than eighty percent of prostate cancers are androgen dependent. This enzyme catalyses the key step in androgen formation and its inhibition affects both testicular as well as adrenal androgen formation (Fig. 1). Its inhibition should stop the production of androgens both in the testes and in the adrenals, and therefore, inhibitors of CYP17 should be highly effective for treating androgen-dependent PC. The synthesis of such

steroidal enzyme inhibitors has therefore received much attention.

In our laboratories, we have synthesized a new serieses of pregnenonlone analogs with evaluation of their inhibitory activity against cytochrome P450 (CYP17 hydroxylase enzyme), such as the 5-aryl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-imino, 3a-ester, 17-chalconyl pregnenolone derivatives and cholic acid analogs (enclosed). Some of these analogs exhibited significant inhibition activity against hydroxylase enzyme as as well as 17b-hydroxydehydrogease (17b-HSD) which considered to be useful leads in prostate and breast cancers. Molecular docking studies demonstrated quite similar binding patterns of all new pregnenolone derivatives at the active site of CYP17 through hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction [5-11].

المحاضرة الثانية:

Assist. Prof. Dr. Atheer Matrood


_ Researcher at the University of Otago, New Zealand 2013-2014.

Main duty: Analysis of NGS data as part of a metagenomic research project with Dr. Chris Brown at the University of Otago.

_ Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, UK 2004–2008.

_ Lecturer at University Putra Malaysia 2001–2004.

_ Assistant professor at the American University, USA 2014-present.

Chair of the Department of Information Technology.

DNA tandem repeat analysis-A computational perspective

Biological sequences have long been known to contain many classes of repeats. The most studied repetitive structure is the tandem repeat wheremany approximate copies of a common segment (the motif ) appear
consecutively.In this talk, a more complex repetitive structure is presented. Thisrepetitive structure is called a nested tandem repeat. It consists of manyapproximate copies of two motifs interspersed with one another.

Nested tandem repeats have been observed in the intergenic spacer of theribosomal DNA gene in Colocasia esculenta. The question of whether suchrepeats can be found elsewhere in biological sequence databases is
addressed and NTRFinder will be presented.In order to compare two tandem repeat sequences an algorithm that aligns ahypothetical ancestral sequence of both sequences against each sequence ispresented. This algorithm considers substitutions, deletions, andunidirectional duplication, namely, from ancestor to descendant. This algorithm has a quadratic time complexity.


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