رسالة ماجستير في كلية التربية بجامعة القادسية تناقش (Calculating Properties of Non-Collinear Phase-matching for BIBO and KDP Crystal)

ناقشت رسالة ماجستير في قسم الفيزياء بكلية التربية في جامعة القادسية (Calculating Properties of Non-Collinear Phase-matching for BIBO and KDP Crystal) للطالبة شيماء خالد نعمة وبإشراف الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور حيدر كامل حنون

تهدف الرسالة الى: calculation the properties of non-collinear phase-matching (PM) for uniaxial crystal Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KDP) and biaxial crystal Bismuth Triborate (BIBO ).

وبينت نتائج الرسالة
‏1-For KDP crystal the phase-matching occurred for type I at angle 0º and for type II at angle 47º and BIBO crystal the phase-matching occurred for type I at angles (48.5º, 20º) at type I and ( 68º ) at type II phase-matching, and this allows getting high efficiency, which we were able to use nonlinear optical operations.
‏2- The group delay dispersion for three waves some times only a negative region so the short wavelength has velocity more than the longer wavelength that means the dispersion will be anomalous.
‏3-Walk-off is always in the direction that would have the greatest impact on the refractive index. For KDP crystal the e wave walks toward θ = 90◦. The walk-off plane in BIBO crystals is the same as the polarization plane. The eigen-polarization related with the high refractive index has walk-off in the plane defined by angle δ , whereas the eigen-polarization related with the low refractive index has walk-off in the orthogonal plane.
‏3-The refractive index of KDP crystal decreased with increasing wavelength, the ordinary refractive index larger than extraordinary refractive index so the crystal negative uniaxial. In a BIBO crystal, we showed a decrease in refractive indices with increasing wavelengths. This means that it satisfies the conditions of phase matching.

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